It’s just two weeks since the Primary Election, but the days are filled!
My campaign for Montana State Senate is going strong. I’m all around the town.I do my best to attend most every event that I can, talking to people and learning what’s happening in our fair city and county.
In the last three weeks, I’ve attended the Downtown Business Association breakfast and annual awards, Prospera’s annual luncheon (the economic development effort in our area), a rally to celebrate the passage of Bozeman’s Non-Discrimination Ordinance, the Bozeman Business and Professional Women’s luncheon, the Montana Democratic Party platform convention in Butte, a panel discussion on Clean Air standards, an effort to gather signatures on a petition to put Medicaid expansion on the ballot in November, the Bozeman Memorial Day parade and commemorative service in Sunset Hills Cemetery, many one-on-one meetings with constituents and campaigners, candidate interviews, and I even squeezed in a hike up Sypes Canyon with the Mountain Belles!

Our community is great for so many reasons, but the main factor is that everyone is engaged and enthusiastic in so many different ways. I become increasingly convinced that all of the effort that we all invest in our community, our work, volunteer efforts, non-profit organizations, causes, schools and kids, neighbors, well–just everything, all of that effort all together is what makes this community vibrant, our state strong, and (if I might be a bit kitschy) our democracy successful.

Here are some photos from my recent activities. Enjoy, and I hope to see  you soon on the campaign trail!

Thanks, everyone, for your support!